If you frequently feel worried, have trouble getting a good night’s sleep, feel sad or down, or have trouble experiencing feelings of joy or excitement, you are likely suffering with some level of anxiety or depression. While many people often feel sad or depressed from time to time, on-going depression can greatly impact your life and color the world as you see and experience it. However, you have the ability to combat those feelings if you make an effort to incorporate some healthier habits into your day. Here are some suggestions; you don’t have to implement all of them, just choose 1 or 2 to start with and see if your mood improves overall.
Exercise can serve as a mood booster and is a natural way to alleviate anxiety. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which results in a positive feeling and an uplift in attitude. Regular exercise can also reduce immune system chemicals that can cause you to feel more depressed. Experts recommend that you exercise three to five times a week. Even taking the stairs instead of an elevator or walking your dog can make a difference. It can be difficult to get motivated to exercise when you are feeling depressed, so consider asking a friend to be your workout buddy or join an exercise class.
Practice Relaxation Techniques
The practice of relaxation techniques can reduce stress, improve your mood, and make you feel more energized. Consider practicing deep breathing by breathing deeply into your abdomen, do yoga, or meditate. When meditating, picture an image in your mind that elicits warm, happy feelings, or simply repeat a single word, such as “peace.” Meditation doesn’t have to be a formal practice, just sitting, deep breathing with your eyes closed and picturing some place that makes you calm can be very helpful at any point during your day.
Restrict Alcohol and Caffeine
It has been shown that caffeine can reduce levels of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is regarded by researchers as a chemical that is responsible for maintaining mood balance and a deficit of serotonin can lead to depression. While it is commonly thought that alcohol can help to alleviate anxiety and stress, it actually is a depressant and can ultimately negatively impact your mood. Limiting your intake of both of these beverages can help improve your mood.
Eat a Healthy Diet
Eating well and getting the nutrients your body needs is important to support overall wellness and can help improve mood. Therefore, even if you don’t feel like eating, make sure you don’t skip meals. When choosing what to eat, avoid processed and prepackaged food and limit the amount of sugar you consume. Eat foods that are high in protein and make sure your diet includes plenty of fruits and vegetables. It’s nearly impossible to eat too many vegetables so prepare carrots, apples, celery and other vegetables in the morning and enjoy them throughout the day. Also consider speaking with your doctor or an allergist to determine if there are certain foods you are allergic to that are negatively impacting your overall sense of wellbeing and mood.
Take Fish Oil
It has been found that not consuming enough omega-3 fatty acids is associated with feelings of depression. Fish oil contains omega-3s and is an easy way to ensure you are getting enough omega-3s. The best way to get fish oil is by eating the fish itself, however, if you really don’t enjoy fish you can take a supplement to get the appropriate amount of these important nutrients. Check with your healthcare provider for additional information.
Keep a Journal
Writing down how your day is going, when you feel sad as well as when you feel happy, can help you sort through your feelings and determine if there are specific triggers that make you feel one emotion or another. Looking back and reviewing your journal you might just find that you are happier than you thought or getting involved in more activities. You might also notice that certain foods impact the way you feel and you might be able to eliminate that food in the future. It is also a great way to keep track of what you are eating and your exercise routine and people often report feeling better by keeping track.
Participate in a Meaningful Activity
Do something that gives you a sense of purpose. This could mean volunteering at your local homeless shelter, tutoring children after school, volunteering for one of the many local non-profit organizations, or volunteering at your house of worship. Doing something meaningful and using your talents and skills to help others can make you feel more fulfilled and improve your outlook on life.
Seek Help
When suffering with anxiety and depression, it can be very helpful to talk to someone about your feelings. Reach out to a friend or family member who can offer support. Talking to a mental health professional can also prove to be very beneficial. A professional is not only there to listen, but can help you sort out your feelings, find the root of your anxiety and depression, and suggest coping techniques. Reach us at Rockland Behavioral Health Response Team 24/7 at 845-517-0400.