Try These Simple Ways to Decrease Stress Before it Gets Out of Hand
How to Develop Coping Skills for Anger, Anxiety, and Depression
Anxiety and depression affect millions of Americans. Many people cope with anxiety and depression silently, feeling they need to “be strong” for others around them. This thinking is understandable, but it’s important to honor your feelings and get the help you need. Even if self-help is your only option, there are positive steps you can […]
Teenage Stress: Helping Teens Deal with Anxiety and Depression
Teenage stress and anxiety is a common particularly for high school students who may be dealing with tests, college applications, social acceptance, dating, and more. Letting them develop their own coping skills is tough but will help them as they grow into adulthood. However, there are cases in which teenagers aren’t simply learning to deal […]
8 Habits to Help Overcome Anxiety and Depression
If you frequently feel worried, have trouble getting a good night’s sleep, feel sad or down, or have trouble experiencing feelings of joy or excitement, you are likely suffering with some level of anxiety or depression. While many people often feel sad or depressed from time to time, on-going depression can greatly impact your life […]