Try These Simple Ways to Decrease Stress Before it Gets Out of Hand
Unfortunately, stress is a part of everyday life, and can creep up on you when you least expect it. However, the good news is, there are several things that you can do to de-stress, relax before it overwhelms you and takes over your day. Make note of the following simple ways to conquer your stress in no time, as well as to ward off stress in the first place.
Breathe Deeply
Breathing deeply is a great way to reduce stress, as it helps to regulate blood pressure and control your heart rate. So, if your kids are fighting and you feel your stress level increasing, stop and take a few deep breaths before dealing with them. Start by inhaling through your nose for a count of five and focus on filling your stomach with your breath. Then slowly exhale through your mouth for a count of five. Repeat several times.
Practice Positive Thinking
Your thoughts are very instrumental in how you feel. Therefore, the practice of positive thinking is huge when it comes to the ability to de-stress, relax. Instead of focusing on your worries, like making a dreaded phone call, think positively, such as envisioning the desired result you’d like from making the phone call.
Exercise/Get Outside
Getting exercise, such as going for a walk, a jog, or a bike ride, works wonders as a means to de-stress and relax. Even if you only have a few minutes to spare, getting out and about for just five minutes can impact how you feel and make you feel less stressed. After all, exercise increases endorphins, a feel good chemical in your body. Feeling the sunshine on your face and breathing in the fresh air will stimulate your senses and change your focus. For instance, say you know the kids will be getting off the bus soon and will be clamoring for your attention, a little time outside can help you to reset your mental state and prepare for their return home. This is a great way to head off stress before it even hits.
Drink a Cup of Tea
Drinking a cup of hot tea can be very soothing. Whether you are at home or at work, this is a very easy way to de-stress, relax. Certain teas are specifically known for soothing capabilities, such as chamomile, valerian root, and chamomile.
Get Up and Stretch
Unfortunately, your body can hold stress, resulting in aches and pains, particularly in your neck and lower body. Therefore, it’s also important to des-stress, relax your body. Stretching also helps to increase circulation in your body and helps you to feel more relaxed overall. Easy stretches that you can do anywhere include rotating your neck in circles, stretching your arms behind your head, and reaching down to touch your toes.
Studies suggest that smiling, forced or not, can have a positive effect on your mood, decrease stress levels, and even make everyone around you feel better. It’s not easy to keep smiling in stressful situations, but doing exactly that has proven to have health benefits. When recovering from a stressful situation, study participants who were smiling had lower heart rates than those with a neutral facial expression. So the next time you’re feeling stressed, just try smiling to calm yourself down.
Ask for Help
Sometimes stress can get out of hand, resulting in an inability to function at a day to day level. If you find this is the case for you, do not hesitate to seek help. Rockland’s Behavioral Health Response Team is available on their hotline 24/7 at 845-517-0400 and does not charge for their services. The professionals at BHRT will also come to your office, school or home to deescalate a situation. So if you are feeling overwhelmed, don’t wait, get help.